I recently went on sort of a Twitter and Facebook rant.....or a long series of mini-rants, I suppose, presenting contrasts between Christ and the recent "gospel of wokeness," in which social justice outcomes take precedence over the redemption of men, racial reconciliation is championed instead of the absolute need for sinners to be reconciled to God. Christian pastors, indeed all Christians, are called to be ambassadors of Christ. We are commanded to plead with people, on behalf of Christ, to be reconciled to God. Such is not only key to a positive outcome for the divisions we see in our country theses days, it is the only possible hope for a positive outcome. Why? Because the problem man faces is sin. White supremacy is sin. Criminal damage to property is sin. Racism is sin. Physical violence is sin. Police brutality is sin. There is one answer for sin: Christ.
However, it seems that there are many, or what seems like many, within the evangelical community who either no longer believe that, or they have become so focused on being accepted by the world that they are ignoring it and substituting that truth with philosophies of men. I became frustrated by that, and started firing off Facebook posts and tweets over the course of a few days (even today!). A couple of people suggested I compile them, so I will do so below. If you find these helpful, or even troublesome, let me know in the comments below. Feel free to share this post with anyone in your life who is tending toward the so-called social justice gospel. May Christ be glorified. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Christ vs Wokeness Christ said “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.” Wokeness says “Blessed are the merciless, for they shall receive power.” Preach Christ. Christ says “Blessed are those that hunger and thirst for righteousness.” Wokeness says “Blessed are those that hunger and thirst for vengeance.” Preach Christ. Christ engenders virtue. Wokeness engenders virtue-signaling. Preach Christ. Christ said “Blessed are the meek.” Wokeness says “Blessed are the vainglorious.” Preach Christ. Christ said “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” Wokeness says “Blessed are the haughty in spirit.” Preach Christ. Christ said “Blessed are the peacemakers.” Wokeness says “Blessed are the muckrakers.” Preach Christ. Christ forgives sin. Wokeness exploits sin. Preach Christ. Christ is the Door. Wokeness shuts the door to the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. Preach Christ. Christ is the Light of the World. Wokeness is room-darkening window shades. Preach Christ. Christ is the True Vine. Wokeness is an artificial plant. Preach Christ. Christ is the Living Water. Wokeness is the Dead Sea. Preach Christ. Christ is the Bread of Life. Wokeness is rotten fruit from a rotten tree. Preach Christ. Christ is the Bright and Morning Star. Wokeness is a dark and cold void. Preach Christ. Christ is the Balm of Gilead. Wokeness is poison. Preach Christ. Christ is the Rose of Sharon. Wokeness is a corpse flower. Preach Christ. Christ embodies the perfect will of God. Wokeness embodies the perverted will of man. Preach Christ. Christ is eternal. Wokeness is transient. Preach Christ. Christ is Sovereign from everlasting to everlasting. Wokeness is anarchy, for now. Preach Christ. Christ is Lord of the Heavens and the Earth. Wokeness is “Lord of the Flies. Preach Christ. Christ brings contentment. Wokeness brings discontent. Preach Christ. Christ, the fragrance of Life. Wokeness, the stench of death. Preach Christ. Christ abounds with all wisdom and knowledge. Wokeness abounds with absurdity and ignorance. Preach Christ. Christ is preeminent. Wokeness is preposterous. Preach Christ. The Doctrines of Christ are harmonious. The Doctrines of Wokeness are discordant. Preach Christ. Christ is the Good Shepherd. Woke pastors are wolves. Preach Christ. Christ broke down the wall of separation between God and man. Wokeness builds walls of separation between men and other men. Preach Christ. Christ has brought life and immortality to light. Wokeness has brought death and immorality to light. Preach Christ. Christ is risen. Wokeness is derision. Preach Christ. Christ has abolished death. Wokeness has abolished reason. Preach Christ. Christ creates order out of chaos. Wokeness creates chaos out of order. Preach Christ. Christ ignores ethnic distinctions. Wokeness worships them. Preach Christ. Christ said “Come unto Me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.” Wokeness says “Come unto us and we will make you weary and heavy laden.” Preach Christ. Christ said “It is finished.” Wokeness says “It can never be finished.” Preach Christ. Christ eliminates enmity. Wokeness eliminates friendship. Preach Christ. Christ cancels sin, turning enemies into friends. Wokeness cancels people, turning friends into enemies. Preach Christ. Christ says, through James, “confess your sins to each other, and pray for one another, that you may be healed.” Wokeness says, “confess your sins to us, that you may be cancelled.” Preach Christ. Christ created everything out of nothing. Wokeness brings everything to nothing. Preach Christ. Christ bore the sins of many. Wokeness wants you to bear the sins of a few. Preach Christ. Christ is the narrow Gate and hard Way that leads to Life. Wokeness is the wide gate and easy way that leads to destruction. Preach Christ. Christ says, through Paul, “If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.” Wokeness says, “If possible, so far as it depends on you, ruin peace for all.” Preach Christ. Christ says “let him who is without sin cast the first stone.” Wokeness says “let him who is without rocks come get some from us. We have plenty.” Preach Christ. Christ tells us to pray “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Wokeness says “we shall trespass against those who trespass against us.” Preach Christ. Christ removes our sin as far from us as the east is from the west. Wokeness binds your sins as a sign upon your hands and a frontlet between your eyes. Preach Christ. Christ is sufficient. Wokeness is implacable. Preach Christ. Christ is omniscient. Wokeness is blind. Preach Christ. Christ said “Come to Me, you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Wokeness says, “Righteousness is the football. You are Charlie Brown. We are Lucy.” Preach Christ. Christ said “Father, forgive them. They know not what they do.” Wokeness says, “You are guilty, though we know not what you did.” Preach Christ. Christ said “Woman, where are your accusers?” Wokeness says, “Here we are.” Preach Christ. Christ’s yoke is easy and His burden is light. Wokeness ties up heavy burdens, impossible to bear, and lays them on people’s shoulders. Preach Christ. Christ is my righteousness. Wokeness says that’s not enough. Preach Christ. Christ paid my debt in full. Wokeness says that “It is finished” was a lie. Preach Christ. Christ urges men toward holiness. Wokeness urges men toward indulgence of the flesh. Preach Christ. Christ is Self-Existent. Wokeness is the invention fallen men. Preach Christ. Christ is omnipotent. Wokeness is impotent. Preach Christ. Christ is Spirit. Wokeness is flesh. Preach Christ. Christ is the Ancient of Days. Wokeness is yet a toddler. Preach Christ. Christ is immutable. Wokeness is ever-changing. Preach Christ. Christ is the Solid Rock. Wokeness is shifting sand. Preach Christ. Christ brings unity. Wokeness brings division. Preach Christ. Christ is a Bridge. Wokeness is a chasm. Preach Christ. Christ heals. Wokeness wounds. Preach Christ. The gospel of Christ hinges upon His perfect, completed works of righteousness. The gospel of woke hinges upon never ending, impure works of rebellious, fallen men. Preach Christ. The gospel of Christ guarantees redemption for them that believe. The gospel of woke guarantees perpetual grievance and strife for those who believe. Preach Christ. The gospel of Christ is unassailable. The gospel of woke is untenable. Preach Christ. Christ draws men unto Himself. The woke repel men from God and each other. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ preserve. The glories of wokeness putrefy. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ are cleansing. The glories of wokeness are polluting. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ produce willing submission to the eternal decrees of an infallible God. The glories of wokeness produce forced submission to the ever-changing whims of fallible man. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ produce trust. The glories of wokeness produce suspicion. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ create servants. The glories of wokeness create slave masters. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ are clothed in truth. The glories of wokeness are cloaked in fraudulence. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ are irrefutable. The glories of wokeness are indefensible. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ create a hunger and thirst for righteousness. The glories of wokeness create a hunger and thirst for vengeance. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ lead to contrition for sin. The glories of wokeness lead to complicity in sin. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ bring sinners to God. The glories of wokeness make sinners think they are gods. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ produce worship. The glories of wokeness produce idolatry. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ lead to redemption. The glories of wokeness lead to perdition. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ reflect the Father of Light. The glories of wokeness emanate from the father of lies. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ are expiatory. The glories of wokeness are exasperating. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ are evangelistic. The glories of wokeness are exclusionary. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ promote reconciliation. The glories of wokeness promote retribution. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ produce humility in men. The glories of wokeness produce hubris. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ display the wisdom of God. The glories of wokeness display the foolishness of man. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ produce gratitude. The glories of wokeness produce greed. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ bring peace. The glories of wokeness bring strife. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ are lovely. The glories of wokeness are base. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ are joyful. The glories of wokeness are joyless. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ produce clarity. The glories of wokeness produce confusion. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ are lucid. The glories of wokeness are ludicrous. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ are perspicuous. The glories of wokeness are platitudinous. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ produce freedom. The glories of wokeness produce oppression. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ are regal. The glories of wokeness are rebellion. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ are incalculable riches. The glories of wokeness are worthless drivel. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ are pure. The glories of wokeness are putrid. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ are unfathomable. The glories of wokeness are unbiblical. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ are incomprehensible. The glories of wokeness are incoherent. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ are our hope. The glories of wokeness are without hope. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ are glorious. The glories of wokeness are spurious. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ are manifold. The glories of wokeness are nil. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ are matchless. The glories of wokeness are meaningless. Preach Christ. The glories of Christ are eternal. The glories of wokeness are infernal. Preach Christ. The merits of Christ are inexhaustible. The merits of wokeness are imperceptible. Preach Christ. Christ says, "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." Wokeness says "Cancel your enemies and vilify those who persecute you." Preach Christ. Christ is immutable. Wokeness is ever-mutating. Preach Christ. Christ is the Living Water and the True Vine. Wokeness is “waterless clouds, swept along by winds; fruitless trees in late autumn, twice dead, uprooted;” (Jude 1:12 ESV) Preach Christ. Christ is the Lamb Who was slain before the foundation of the world. Wokeness consists of “grumblers, malcontents, following their own sinful desires; they are loud-mouthed boasters, showing favoritism to gain advantage.” (Jude 1:16 ESV) Preach Christ. Christ is the Lion of Judah who roars “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” Wokeness is a serpent who whispers, “Has God really said...” Preach Christ. Woke theology insists on removing splinters from the fingers of dead men. Christ makes dead men alive. Preach Christ. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Because the merits of Christ are inexhaustible, so is this list. Therefore, I expect there will be additional entries here. I pray this is helpul to you and clarifying for others. Pastors: ALL treasures of wisdom and knowledge are in Christ. Do not be deluded by plausible arguments that say otherwise. Preach Christ. The church is not in danger, folks. Christ died for her. Christ empowers her. Christ is building her. Christ upholds her:The church will stand at the grave of wokeness.
~ Tommy Alderman |
June 2020